“Ram and Laxman” are traditional Nepalese names for twin boys. The twins were rescued from eastern mountainous village at 2200m in winter in 2015, where they were living in a small hut with nothing inside.
Their father was killed in a family clash 4 months before they were born. Their mother Sharmila could hardly feed them and 3 older children. She was doing labour work in village for agriculture and construction, and taking care of 5 small children without good source of income and social protection. It was a really unbelievable situation for a widow woman in Nepal.
Eventually, she decided to marry another man in the far away village when Ram and Laxman were 4 years old. She left five children at home without food and warm clothes. It was a bitter situation between a mother and her children. Two of them were able to do some work for food but 3 of them were even unable to beg. The was not any warm clothes, fire wood or food at home. The neighbours did not show any sympathy to the children. The situation was seemed like there was no human civilization.
With the information of a local teacher, we reached there and rescued the children and brought them to Namaste Children Nepal home. When we brought them, they were not able to speak and understand Nepali language. They used to cry and avoid seeing other people.
At present, Ram & Laxman are happy, healthy and good boys at home. They have changed lot in their behavior and they are good in their studies. We succeeded to give them a better life, better education and a positive hope of safe future. We welcome anyone who wants to support Ram & Laxman.
Nagarjun Municipality-6, Ramkot,
Kathmandu, Nepal
+977 98510 65701 / 98511 03150 / 9849 793001